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Typical woodlands today face invasion by numerous exotic herbacous plant species that out-compete native forbs and trees for nutrients upsetting the ecosystem: an early season flush and tangle of Multiflora Rose, Japanese Stiltgrass, Japanese Barberry, Japanese Honeysuckle, Oriental Bittersweet and Garlic Mustard that emerges before Sprin
Typical woodlands today face invasion by numerous exotic herbacous plant species that out-compete native forbs and trees for nutrients upsetting the ecosystem: an early season flush and tangle of Multiflora Rose, Japanese Stiltgrass, Japanese Barberry, Japanese Honeysuckle, Oriental Bittersweet and Garlic Mustard that emerges before Spring wildflowers and ferns choking out sunlight and nutrients from the forest floor.
The same woodlands but on the Control side of the Property line show what Mother Nature intends when balance is restored...warming sunlight and warmth reaching the forest leaf layer ready to stimulate life, growth of Spring ephemeral wildflowers and ferns and fauna for another year.
Some of our top aquatic invasives: duckweed (above), water meal, phragmites, purple loosestrife, water chestnut, filamentous/blue green algae, milfoil, hydrilla manifest themselves in farm, tidal, commercial and residential ponds that may be out of chemical or biological balance. Stressed waterways find themselves vulnerable to exotic,
Some of our top aquatic invasives: duckweed (above), water meal, phragmites, purple loosestrife, water chestnut, filamentous/blue green algae, milfoil, hydrilla manifest themselves in farm, tidal, commercial and residential ponds that may be out of chemical or biological balance. Stressed waterways find themselves vulnerable to exotic, quick growing plants eager to fill the voids of missing native plants and disturbed habitats with their own brand of illusory but "sterile" greenery minus the ecological food and nutrition that feeds and nourishes our vital natural communities.
No two bodies of water are the same. Through evaluation of internal and external stressors as well as long and short term goals I can assist in devising an Integrated and Proactive Management Plan that may (or may not) involve herbicides, as well as provide nutrient and erosion control recommendations.
PDK Horticultural LLC is UNIQUE in possessing decades of Living Shoreline hands-on operational knowledge, native plant production/experience and maintenance of associated wetlands. I can access small and medium-sized installations by land AND remotely by water with my 17 foot Carolina Skiff professional spray boat to perform invasive pl
PDK Horticultural LLC is UNIQUE in possessing decades of Living Shoreline hands-on operational knowledge, native plant production/experience and maintenance of associated wetlands. I can access small and medium-sized installations by land AND remotely by water with my 17 foot Carolina Skiff professional spray boat to perform invasive plant well as working w/backpack sprayers for finesse spot applications. Don't just "build it and walk away"; a minimal annual investment in routine monitoring and maintenance (like any conventional installed landscape) before invasive wetland invasive plants can REGAIN A FOOTHOLD can save thousands down the road and keep that Living Shoreline PROJECT functioning, beautiful, and an ecological and property asset for a lifetime.
I am proficient in Management and Eradication of state-classified exotic noxious and landscape nuisance weeds that may be found in the Chesapeake Bay tidewater : Johnsongrass (above), Canada Thistle, Bull Thistle, Shatter Cane (Md List), Jimsonweed, Giant Hogweed, Multiflora Rose (Pa List),Cogongrass, Waveyleaf Basketgrass (Va List).
Invasive vines such as the beautiful but detrimental Porcelainberry, English Ivy, Asian Bittersweet, Kudzu and Mile a Minute Vine, Japanese/Chinese Wisteria and others can strangle, starve, shade-out and topple mature trees and shrubs resulting in total destruction and domination of the forest and other landscapes.
I worked for both Anne Arundel County Public Schools (early in career) AND Parks Department (until retirement) as Pesticide Applicator/Manager and developed progressive landscape-pesticide IPM guidelines based on the most stringent pesticide sensitive criteria. It is because of this career background that I understand the importance of IP
I worked for both Anne Arundel County Public Schools (early in career) AND Parks Department (until retirement) as Pesticide Applicator/Manager and developed progressive landscape-pesticide IPM guidelines based on the most stringent pesticide sensitive criteria. It is because of this career background that I understand the importance of IPM methods and organic/natural herbicides have their place in the Professional practitioners toolbox; I readily use them and offer services to customers at their request.
Many of the invasive trees and shrubs are fast, rampant growing with relatively thin bark making vulnerable to a variety of chemical and cultural control opportunities for dormant season treatments, stretching the invasive control season nearly year-round as long as temperatures are above 45 degrees. Some of the candidates include: Ailan
Many of the invasive trees and shrubs are fast, rampant growing with relatively thin bark making vulnerable to a variety of chemical and cultural control opportunities for dormant season treatments, stretching the invasive control season nearly year-round as long as temperatures are above 45 degrees. Some of the candidates include: Ailanthus/Tree of Heaven, Callery Pear, Empress Tree, Autumn Olive, Mimosa, Paper Mulberry, Chinese Privet, White/Chinese Mulberry, Wineberry, Japanese Barberry. Growing season treatments include cut stump as well as foliar, especially when small.
Running bamboo is actually in the grass family...growing from an underground rhizome that send up shoots. The maturing shoots can become various heights up to 30+ foot tall; the bases mature and woody while the tops tough and leafy. Control, management or eradication can be simple or a complex, multi-faceted, multi year process depending
Running bamboo is actually in the grass family...growing from an underground rhizome that send up shoots. The maturing shoots can become various heights up to 30+ foot tall; the bases mature and woody while the tops tough and leafy. Control, management or eradication can be simple or a complex, multi-faceted, multi year process depending on circumstances and desires. I have partnered-in and directed successful eradication projects and am available for consultation or perform control programs for customers.
By customer request...our latest service addition is warm season native grass/pollinator wildflower meadow maintenance. I am able to perform elimination of existing vegetation for third-party contractors prior to field grading, meadow establishment and slit-seeding. Post establishment I can perform followup spot weed and invasive weed control and mowing according to established Schedules.
Using conventional Bay-friendly synthetic herbicides, an organic/natural derivative program or a hybrid combination for residential subdivisions or property vegetation control. I am one of the few Maryland contractors having decades of experience working with herbicides and Integrated Pest/Vegetation Management (IPM /IVM Programs, impleme
Using conventional Bay-friendly synthetic herbicides, an organic/natural derivative program or a hybrid combination for residential subdivisions or property vegetation control. I am one of the few Maryland contractors having decades of experience working with herbicides and Integrated Pest/Vegetation Management (IPM /IVM Programs, implementing and development) in sensitive public, environmental and child-sensitive areas such as residential subdivisions, community parks, schools, municipal property, rural and secondary roadways.
CALL or e-mail 443-262-2079
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